Financial Indices
The Pancake Effect Risk in the US Financial Markets Saturday 05 August 2023
S&P 500 Index — a critical fork in the road is now on tap Friday 28 July 2023
Nasdaq Composite: a very bad week for the bulls Saturday 22 July 2023
Four Bearish Triangles — Brent, RBOB, Shanghai, Iron Ore Tuesday 18 July 2023
Top Ten Key Commodity Markets — mid-year review Monday 17 July 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — candidates for resistance Friday 14 July 2023
DAX40 , FTSE100 , Euro Stoxx Bank Index: Bears 3, Goldilocks 0 Saturday 08 July 2023
Nasdaq Composite Bulletin – Key Support Thursday 06 July 2023
S&P 500 Index — three charts, three hurdles for the bulls Sunday 02 July 2023
Where are the Risky Banks? Not where the Fed is looking Friday 30 June 2023
Dow 30, S&P 500, Nasdaq Composite — What is the bull case? Tuesday 20 June 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — stunningly precise rebound from bull case support Saturday 17 June 2023
Nasdaq Composite – 2008 or 2019 ?? Tuesday 06 June 2023
Stock Markets and the Debt Ceiling Talks – a technical view of this news cycle Thursday 25 May 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — downside update Friday 19 May 2023
Three Stock Indices — becalmed in the doldrums Monday 15 May 2023
Banking Sector — new credit stats and the bear trend Tuesday 09 May 2023
Banking and Financial Sectors — downside update Thursday 04 May 2023
ABA Community Bank Index — a rebound or else point Friday 28 April 2023
Equities divided by Commodities — a rare retreat Friday 24 March 2023
Euro Stoxx Bank Index — longer term down trend has resumed Friday 17 March 2023
Financial Sector Update ( XLF ) — an unfolding, textbook perfect disaster Tuesday 14 March 2023
Nasdaq Composite — the bear case is alive and well Friday 10 March 2023
UK FTSE 100 Index — evidence for a major top in place Saturday 25 February 2023
NYSE Composite Index — textbook bear case resistance Wednesday 15 February 2023
Consumer Debt — the next historic, speculative bubble Thursday 09 February 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — downside update Saturday 04 February 2023
The Baltic Dry Index — Where are the bulls? Tuesday 24 January 2023
Nasdaq Composite — key pivots refreshed Monday 23 January 2023
The Nikkei 225 Index — a reincarnation of year 1990 is here Wednesday 18 January 2023
CME Lumber — 3 candidates for major support Tuesday 17 January 2023
Nasdaq Composite — the max bull case versus the max bear case Sunday 18 December 2022
S&P 500 – the downside risk is at maximum Tuesday 06 December 2022
A 20 Year Cycle of Financial Scandals — bear markets, Enron, and FTX Monday 05 December 2022
US Equity Indices — the peaking risk is now even greater Thursday 01 December 2022
Equities — Did the Santa rally just end? Monday 28 November 2022
the XLE — a technical outlook Saturday 26 November 2022
Bloomberg Commodity Index — downside update Thursday 17 November 2022
the DX and the SPX — two imminent reversal threats Monday 14 November 2022
US Dollar and Nasdaq Composite — still headed in opposite directions Tuesday 01 November 2022
The S&P 500 & Nasdaq Composite – A Webcast Bulletin Tuesday 18 October 2022
the Dow 30 — downside update Wednesday 12 October 2022
Financial Sector Downside Update — Awful on both sides of the Atlantic Wednesday 05 October 2022
the DAX and the Nasdaq Composite — most bearish case updates and implied downside risks Friday 16 September 2022
Deep Recessions and Individual Asset Allocations… is a terrible history repeating itself? Saturday 10 September 2022
Nasdaq Composite — Elliott Wave map and steps lower Wednesday 31 August 2022
Nasdaq — key most bearish case resistance Thursday 25 August 2022
Home Builders – an Elliott Wave outlook — in light of rising rates Wednesday 24 August 2022
The Nasdaq Composite — de-FAANG-ed Wednesday 17 August 2022
Nasdaq Composite – Big Picture Update Tuesday 09 August 2022