Gasoline: RBOB
Gasoline — a brief history of severe bullish sentiment extremes Monday 14 February 2022
Brent, RBOB, and ULSD — history and repercussions of bullish extremes Monday 07 February 2022
RBOB — a revised Elliott Wave count and targets Wednesday 02 February 2022
RBOB — When the the stock market gets trashed, so do gasoline prices Monday 17 January 2022
Energy Seasonality – Considerations for 2022 Thursday 06 January 2022
RBOB, the May minus Dec Spread — looks like a scaled up short sale Wednesday 29 December 2021
Petro Complex — updated bear case resistance Monday 20 December 2021
Petroleum Complex — identifying pivotal bear case resistance Thursday 16 December 2021
the 2022 May minus Dec RBOB Spread — looking for cheap, finding expensive Thursday 09 December 2021
RBOB — downside refresh Friday 19 November 2021
RBOB — rally time, again? Thursday 04 November 2021
Is Ethanol going ballistic? Wednesday 03 November 2021
RBOB — another look at the most bullish case Monday 25 October 2021
RBOB — the bull case Sunday 17 October 2021
RBOB — not yet an upside break out higher Monday 11 October 2021
RBOB and the steep back month discounts Tuesday 31 August 2021
RBOB and Natgas — two clear cut failures on Monday Monday 30 August 2021
Petro Complex — whip-saw resistance Tuesday 24 August 2021
RBOB — revisiting the downside risk Friday 20 August 2021
RBOB and ULSD – pivotal near term resistance Wednesday 11 August 2021
Daily Energy Report & Charts of the Day – Thursday 04 August Wednesday 04 August 2021
COTD – The Sep-Oct RBOB Spread – Going Out With a Bang …Or a Whimper? Monday 02 August 2021
RBOB – available, remaining options to the upside Wednesday 28 July 2021
Petro Complex – pivotal bear case resistance Friday 23 July 2021
The Petroleum Complex — where is the must hold support for the bulls? Monday 19 July 2021
RBOB – the Aug minus Sep spread — not dead yet? Thursday 15 July 2021
RBOB minus Ethanol — candidates for resistance Friday 09 July 2021
RBOB — three Elliott Wave based scenarios Thursday 24 June 2021
The US Dollar and RBOB – updating the inverse only relationship Thursday 10 June 2021
RBOB seasonal bear spreads update: the RBOB crack and RBOB minus ULSD Monday 07 June 2021
RBOB — 20 year history of post 31 May non-hurricane related spring peaks Saturday 29 May 2021
the RBOB minus Ethanol Spread — the risk is a new all time low Friday 21 May 2021
RBOB and ULSD — seasonal peaking risk Monday 10 May 2021
RBOB Candidate for Resistanace — from most bearish to most bullish Monday 03 May 2021
COTD – RBOB – Next Stop 2.4000 ??? Thursday 29 April 2021
RBOB Seasonal Peaks – the varieties of fuse length before the bottom falls out Monday 26 April 2021
Petro Complex Update – more bad news for the bulls Wednesday 21 April 2021
RBOB – Varieties of Seasonal Peaking Experiences Friday 16 April 2021
Petro Complex Update – near term bull versus bear models Monday 05 April 2021
Petro Complex – getting the expected bear market correction Wednesday 24 March 2021
Petro Complex – more bad news for the bulls… as expected Tuesday 23 March 2021
Petro Complex Forward Curve Updates Friday 19 March 2021
RBOB – Fine Tuning Near Term Peaking Risk Tuesday 16 March 2021
RBOB minus Ethanol – updating resistance candidates Thursday 11 March 2021
May minus Dec RBOB — updating the accordion spread Tuesday 09 March 2021
Transient Glitches in Over-Supplied Markets — crude oil and refined products Monday 01 March 2021
RBOB – the average seasonal peak date versus early seasonal peaks Thursday 11 February 2021
Ethanol – targeting a bottleneck bubble Saturday 06 February 2021
May minus Dec and Jun minus Dec RBOB – how much upside remains Monday 01 February 2021
RBOB – how much upside remains Tuesday 26 January 2021