Gasoline: RBOB
RBOB – the 1st minus 2nd mo spread and the Sep minus Oct Spread Wednesday 26 April 2023
RBOB — Is 2.8943 the pre-season rally peak? Wednesday 19 April 2023
Gasoline Bearish Rising Wedge for the Pre-Season Rally — History and implications Monday 17 April 2023
Two Key RBOB Spreads — two major spike tops Thursday 13 April 2023
RBOB seasonal cycle update — Is an average pre-season rally possible? Friday 31 March 2023
RBOB minus Ethanol — candidates for resistance Wednesday 29 March 2023
RBOB Upside Update — flat price and the key bull spreads Tuesday 28 March 2023
The RBOB May minus Dec Spread — moving back toward ‘cheap’ Friday 17 February 2023
The April 2023 RBOB contract — the key pivots from here Thursday 16 February 2023
March minus April RBOB Spread — a good place to take profits Wednesday 15 February 2023
RBOB and RBOB minus ULSD — upside updates Saturday 11 February 2023
RBOB — the May minus Dec and Apr minus Dec spreads — a progress report Friday 20 January 2023
RBOB — candidates for bull case support Wednesday 04 January 2023
RBOB — Is 2.0204 the seasonal cycle low? Saturday 31 December 2022
Ethanol and RBOB minus Ethanol — technical updates Monday 28 November 2022
the 2023 May minus Dec RBOB spread — a precise .618 whip-saw trading range Tuesday 22 November 2022
RBOB — downside risk update Wednesday 16 November 2022
RBOB minus ULSD, with spot RBOB and ULSD — the key pivots from here Thursday 03 November 2022
RBOB — where is bull case support? Thursday 27 October 2022
COTD – RBOB – Seasonal Considerations – Wednesday 28 September Tuesday 27 September 2022
The Brent & RBOB CAL23 Strips – Another Update Monday 12 September 2022
RBOB and the RBOB Spreads — in search of support Thursday 01 September 2022
The RBOB Oct minus Nov Spread — a hurricane spread Sunday 28 August 2022
RBOB 1st minus 2nd month spread — the key pivots from here Sunday 21 August 2022
RBOB — bull case support zone update Monday 15 August 2022
The CAL23 Strips – Beware The Head & Shoulders Top Monday 15 August 2022
RBOB — a deep dive into the .382 support Wednesday 03 August 2022
The Petro Complex and HH Natgas — Did the 21 July price action change anything? Thursday 21 July 2022
Brent, WTI, and RBOB — the .382 retracement and the bull case Thursday 07 July 2022
RBOB — hurricane spread history and 2022 upside risk Wednesday 06 July 2022
RBOB and ULSD — candidates for near term support Tuesday 05 July 2022
RBOB — a range of possible outcomes Friday 01 July 2022
RBOB — any case for resistance before 4.5120 ? Thursday 02 June 2022
The USGC Loop Current – another refined products risk Monday 30 May 2022
Spot RBOB and the July Contract – bull case refresh Wednesday 25 May 2022
RBOB and ULSD — most bullish case support Tuesday 17 May 2022
Spot RBOB and ULSD — and their Jun minus Jul spreads Friday 13 May 2022
RBOB — upside update Wednesday 04 May 2022
The 1st minus 2nd month spreads — for RBOB and ULSD — where is key support? Thursday 07 April 2022
Nature Abhors an Obstruction — post blockage accelerated change Thursday 31 March 2022
The Petro Complex – Another Update – Key Support & Downside Risk Monday 28 March 2022
Petroleum Prices — the ratio retracements of geopolitics Monday 28 March 2022
The Petro Complex – Big Picture Refresh Wednesday 23 March 2022
Petroleum Futures – updating near term pivotal support and resistance Friday 18 March 2022
Petroleum Futures – updated candidates for a near term low Wednesday 16 March 2022
COTD – RBOB & ULSD – A Big Picture Refresh Thursday 10 March 2022
Petro Complex Bulletin — the remaining ratio retracements — as of 3:33 am on 24 Feb Thursday 24 February 2022
Petro Complex — a host of new problems for new bulls Tuesday 22 February 2022
The March minus April RBOB Spread as a Sentiment Indicator Monday 21 February 2022
RBOB — the key pivots for spot and the April contract Friday 18 February 2022