Gasoline: RBOB
The RBOB Hurricane Spreads – an update to the 29 Mar 2024 report Monday 15 July 2024
RBOB – summer to fall rallies and the key technical pivots Tuesday 02 July 2024
RBOB: the spring to winter decline, history and implications Sunday 09 June 2024
Petro Complex — average spring to summer declines Thursday 30 May 2024
RBOB Update — Does Wednesday’s low matter? Thursday 09 May 2024
RBOB — four candidates for support, from most bullish to most bearish Wednesday 01 May 2024
RBOB – bull case update – a bulletin Tuesday 23 April 2024
Spot RBOB — the candidates for support report Tuesday 23 April 2024
RBOB — Evidence of Seasonal Peaking Risk Monday 15 April 2024
The 2024 May minus Dec RBOB Spread — suggested tactics from here Friday 12 April 2024
Petro Complex — key near term pivots Monday 08 April 2024
RBOB Hurricane Price Spikes — history and 2024 preliminary outlook Friday 29 March 2024
Intermediate Term Petroleum Complex: Stabilized, Flatlined, or Bottoming? Monday 25 March 2024
Petro Complex — Seasonal Bottoming Patterns Update Thursday 14 March 2024
RBOB and ULSD — Did the March correction just end? Monday 11 March 2024
2024 May minus Dec RBOB Spread — suggested tactics from here Tuesday 05 March 2024
the S&P 500 Index and Spot RBOB — Q4 to Q2 rallies, ten year history Wednesday 14 February 2024
RBOB — Momentus Necklines — Spot and the Q2 contract months Friday 09 February 2024
Petro Complex – the case for head and shoulders bottoming patterns Monday 22 January 2024
Petro Complex Bull Case Support, with a nod to Saudi Arabia and China Monday 08 January 2024
RBOB — the May24 and Jun24 contracts — seasonal bull case upside Friday 05 January 2024
RBOB and ULSD — seasonal cycle bottoming update Wednesday 03 January 2024
RBOB May minus Dec 2024 Spread — with Elliott Wave upside targets Wednesday 20 December 2023
The Gasoline Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Tuesday 19 December 2023
Petro Complex Seasonal Cycle Update — the bull case is that the cycle lows are in Thursday 14 December 2023
RBOB — winter to spring pre-season rally considerations Thursday 07 December 2023
RBOB — downside update Friday 01 December 2023
RBOB: bull case vs bear case, an update Tuesday 14 November 2023
RBOB — remaining seasonal downside risk Saturday 04 November 2023
The RBOB May minus Dec Spread — looking out to the 2024 spread Thursday 02 November 2023
RBOB: could 2.1527 be an early seasonal cycle low? Monday 30 October 2023
RBOB — 3 candidates for support: 1 good, 1 bad, and 1 ugly Tuesday 10 October 2023
RBOB — bear case resistance Wednesday 27 September 2023
RBOB — the bear case Sunday 24 September 2023
Energy Futures — Q4 Seasonal Price Cycles Refresh Wednesday 20 September 2023
RBOB — upside updates Thursday 14 September 2023
COTD – Double Feature – Z3/Z4 RBOB & the RBOB-ULSD Spread Wednesday 13 September 2023
RBOB — Spot and the Oct 23 contract — pivotal bull case support Monday 21 August 2023
RBOB: where is pivotal resistance? Tuesday 25 July 2023
Four Bearish Triangles — Brent, RBOB, Shanghai, Iron Ore Tuesday 18 July 2023
Top Ten Key Commodity Markets — mid-year review Monday 17 July 2023
RBOB — bear case for this year 2023 Monday 03 July 2023
RBOB – in a triangle waiting room Thursday 29 June 2023
RBOB Spread Trades Updates Saturday 10 June 2023
RBOB — in a mid-range waiting room Wednesday 07 June 2023
RBOB downside update — applied lessons from history Wednesday 31 May 2023
RBOB – updating the 1st minus 2nd mo and Sep minus Oct spreads Friday 26 May 2023
RBOB bearish rising wedge pre-season rallies — lessons from history Wednesday 17 May 2023
RBOB – near term outlook – a congestion whip-saw Friday 05 May 2023
With 2.8943 the RBOB Seasonal Peak — exploring the downside risk Wednesday 03 May 2023