Distillate: ULSD and Gasoil
Petro Complex – pivotal support, update and refresh Wednesday 02 September 2020
King Kong versus Godzilla in ULSD Prices Saturday 29 August 2020
Did ULSD Just Peak? — where is key support? Wednesday 05 August 2020
Is there a Sep minus Oct ULSD Hurricane Spread? Wednesday 29 July 2020
Gulf Coast Jet – pivotal resistance Wednesday 22 July 2020
ULSD: bull versus bear Tuesday 14 July 2020
ULSD – three prime candidates for resistance Tuesday 30 June 2020
ULSD – key support and resistance Monday 22 June 2020
ULSD: did we just see the high for the next few months? Wednesday 03 June 2020
ULSD and the Crack: looking very heavy Tuesday 26 May 2020
The June minus July ULSD Spread: testing positive for a glut Friday 22 May 2020
Petroleum Complex – the pivotal .236 resistance levels Tuesday 05 May 2020
GasOil: Key Support and Resistance Tuesday 28 April 2020
Spot ULSD: did we just see the lows for the new few years? Tuesday 28 April 2020
ULSD: about to get crushed? Implications for May minus Jun Thursday 23 April 2020
May RBOB and Spot ULSD: key support updates Wednesday 22 April 2020
RBOB and ULSD: the bear attack resumes Tuesday 21 April 2020
ULSD Contango: history and outlook Tuesday 14 April 2020
ULSD contango and support candidates for the May minus June spread Monday 13 April 2020
IMO 2020 Aftermath Wednesday 19 February 2020
ULSD and GasOil: candidates for major support Tuesday 11 February 2020
ULSD – Critical Support & Downside Risk Monday 27 January 2020
RBOB minus ULSD: then, now, and next Wednesday 22 January 2020
HSFO versus WTI: finding value in cheap Monday 20 January 2020
ULSD: two candidates for support Tuesday 14 January 2020
ULSD: pivotal near term support Thursday 09 January 2020
The Economy, the Baltic Dry Index, and VLSFO Wednesday 08 January 2020
Baltic Dry Index and VLSFO: opposing trends Monday 06 January 2020
VLSFO Three Ways Thursday 02 January 2020
IMO 2020 and GasOil: buy the rumor and sell the news? Thursday 26 December 2019
Bullish vs Bearish Extremes: ULSD vs Natgas Wednesday 25 December 2019
ULSD Upside: from big picture to short term Tuesday 17 December 2019
NYH ULSD and IMO 2020 Wednesday 04 December 2019
A-R-A GasOil and IMO 2020 Monday 25 November 2019
ULSD: potential steps lower from here Tuesday 19 November 2019
ULSD Downside Risk Update Thursday 07 November 2019
ULSD: near term downside risk Tuesday 05 November 2019
The HO-GO Spread: seasonality versus events Sunday 27 October 2019
GasOil: candidates for major support Monday 30 September 2019
GasOil and ULSD: Seasonality, Elliott Wave, and Key Support Tuesday 17 September 2019
GasOil: IMO 2020 still MIA Friday 13 September 2019
ULSD: just failed into the most bearish case resistance Thursday 05 September 2019
RBOB, ULSD, GasOil: downside update Thursday 08 August 2019
GasOil – eliminating the impossible Saturday 20 July 2019
ULSD Seasonality – By The Numbers Thursday 18 July 2019
ULSD: an average summer to fall rally Wednesday 10 July 2019
GasOil – Bull versus Bear Case Tuesday 18 June 2019
ULSD: summer to winter rallies Wednesday 29 May 2019
GasOil summer to winter rallies: relevance from here Tuesday 28 May 2019
COTD – Gasoil and ULSD – Upside Risk Wednesday 15 May 2019