Distillate: ULSD and Gasoil
ULSD Dec24 minus Jul25 bull spread — entry update Wednesday 10 July 2024
ICE GasOil — target for an average summer to fall rally Friday 05 July 2024
The ULSD Dec24 minus Jul25 bull spread — trading a Q2 to Q4 pre-season rally Monday 01 July 2024
ULSD — seasonal cycle bottoming signals Sunday 30 June 2024
Petro Complex — average spring to summer declines Thursday 30 May 2024
NYH ULSD and ARA GasOil — pivotal Elliott Wave Support and the Downside Risk Tuesday 07 May 2024
NYH ULSD and ARA GasOil — the less than obvious cases for trading ranges Wednesday 01 May 2024
ULSD – A Market On The Edge Wednesday 17 April 2024
Petro Complex — key near term pivots Monday 08 April 2024
NYH ULSD — its a triangle Wednesday 03 April 2024
NYH ULSD — 1st minus 2nd mo spread — time for a rebound? Wednesday 27 March 2024
Intermediate Term Petroleum Complex: Stabilized, Flatlined, or Bottoming? Monday 25 March 2024
NYH ULSD and ARA GasOil — the major steps higher from here Wednesday 20 March 2024
Petro Complex — Seasonal Bottoming Patterns Update Thursday 14 March 2024
RBOB and ULSD — Did the March correction just end? Monday 11 March 2024
ULSD — caught between key pivots Thursday 07 March 2024
The HO – GO Spread — Might it go negative? Friday 23 February 2024
NYH ULSD — updated bull case support Thursday 22 February 2024
ICE GasOil — where is textbook bull case support? Wednesday 21 February 2024
NYH ULSD and ARA GasOil Bull Case Updates — for the Cracks, the HO – GO, and flat price Wednesday 07 February 2024
NYH ULSD — bull case support from here Tuesday 30 January 2024
Petro Complex – the case for head and shoulders bottoming patterns Monday 22 January 2024
Petro Complex Bull Case Support, with a nod to Saudi Arabia and China Monday 08 January 2024
RBOB and ULSD — seasonal cycle bottoming update Wednesday 03 January 2024
NYH ULSD — the bear case is a sentiment issue Friday 29 December 2023
ULSD — seasonal cycle upside from here Friday 22 December 2023
Petro Complex Seasonal Cycle Update — the bull case is that the cycle lows are in Thursday 14 December 2023
ULSD 1st minus 2nd mo spread — an Elliott Wave case for contango Wednesday 06 December 2023
ICE GasOil — the downside risk from here, and seasonal considerations Friday 17 November 2023
ULSD — downside update and seasonal considerations Thursday 16 November 2023
ULSD and GasOil — the downside risks from here Tuesday 07 November 2023
ULSD — where is bear case resistance from here? Tuesday 24 October 2023
The ULSD to Brent Crack and spot ULSD — two downside updates Tuesday 03 October 2023
Energy Futures — Q4 Seasonal Price Cycles Refresh Wednesday 20 September 2023
GasOil — bull case upside Tuesday 19 September 2023
ULSD — Where is bull case support? Tuesday 12 September 2023
ULSD and GasOil — the key near term pivots Thursday 31 August 2023
ULSD — warning signals for new bulls Tuesday 29 August 2023
ULSD — upside update Friday 18 August 2023
0.5% Fuel Oil Updates – flat price and versus both Brent and ULSD Thursday 10 August 2023
ULSD: poised to pop higher or to drop lower? Tuesday 01 August 2023
ULSD — more evidence for 3.0255 as pivotal resistance Monday 24 July 2023
Top Ten Key Commodity Markets — mid-year review Monday 17 July 2023
ICE GasOil — five technical perspectives Thursday 06 July 2023
the HO – GO Spread, Seasonality and Elliott Wave Wednesday 05 July 2023
CME ULSD — refresh of candidates for support Wednesday 28 June 2023
COTD – Distillate Update – Key Resistance & Downside Risk Tuesday 23 May 2023
From #2Oil to ULSD — the complete history of burst bubbles Monday 01 May 2023
Distillate Bulletin – All Eyes On The 200 Week SMAs Wednesday 26 April 2023
The ULSD Spreads — contango beckons Tuesday 18 April 2023