Chart of the Day
HH Natgas — a burst bubble in bottoming mode Wednesday 22 February 2023
Ethanol — downside update Tuesday 21 February 2023
Brent forward curve — updating the 2nd minus 14th mo spread Monday 20 February 2023
The RBOB May minus Dec Spread — moving back toward ‘cheap’ Friday 17 February 2023
The April 2023 RBOB contract — the key pivots from here Thursday 16 February 2023
March minus April RBOB Spread — a good place to take profits Wednesday 15 February 2023
WTI minus Brent Spread — definitely droopy Tuesday 14 February 2023
Corn — bull case refresh Monday 13 February 2023
RBOB and RBOB minus ULSD — upside updates Saturday 11 February 2023
Consumer Debt — the next historic, speculative bubble Thursday 09 February 2023
DX Index — the key pivots from here Wednesday 08 February 2023
HH Natgas 12 month strip — the bear case resistance zone Tuesday 07 February 2023
The ULSD to Brent Crack — downside update Monday 06 February 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — downside update Saturday 04 February 2023
RBOB to Brent Crack — 02 Feb 2023 Friday 03 February 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — upside update Wednesday 01 February 2023
TTF minus JKM — and some key background issues Tuesday 31 January 2023
HH Natgas — Elliott Wave vs Drilling Break Evens Monday 30 January 2023
The Law of Unintended Consequences — Part II — QE and Bubble Markets Sunday 29 January 2023
API2 Coal — break down — two candidate support zones Thursday 26 January 2023
Soybean Oil — pivotal near term support Wednesday 25 January 2023
The Baltic Dry Index — Where are the bulls? Tuesday 24 January 2023
HH Natgas minus MTB Propane — due for a major low Monday 23 January 2023
RBOB — the May minus Dec and Apr minus Dec spreads — a progress report Friday 20 January 2023
Propane — the case for bottoming action Thursday 19 January 2023
The Nikkei 225 Index — a reincarnation of year 1990 is here Wednesday 18 January 2023
CME Lumber — 3 candidates for major support Tuesday 17 January 2023
WTI divided by Natgas — for the post 2020 world Natgas is cheap relative to WTI Monday 16 January 2023
HH Natgas minus the 12 month strip — the case for an imminent and major low Friday 13 January 2023
WTI minus Brent Spread — at the epi-center of mid-range Thursday 12 January 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — a quick follow up Wednesday 11 January 2023
The RBOB minus ULSD spread and the seasonal upside risk Tuesday 10 January 2023
RBOB minus Brent Crack — the upside potential Monday 09 January 2023
ULSD — key support and downside risk Friday 06 January 2023
HH Natgas — searching for the low of this year 2023 Friday 06 January 2023
Brent and WTI — bottoming or nose-diving? Wednesday 04 January 2023
RBOB — candidates for bull case support Wednesday 04 January 2023
RBOB — Is 2.0204 the seasonal cycle low? Saturday 31 December 2022
0.5% Fuel Oil — Flat Price and versus both Brent and ULSD Thursday 29 December 2022
HH Natgas — bull case needs a rebound Wednesday 28 December 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — and a cold North-East winter Tuesday 27 December 2022
HH Natgas — double bottoms and polar vortices Saturday 24 December 2022
Brent Crude — updating the key pivots Thursday 22 December 2022
WTI — candidate for a near term resistance zone Wednesday 21 December 2022
HH, JKM, NBP, and TTF — 4 big picture updates Tuesday 20 December 2022
Soybean Oil — downside update Monday 19 December 2022
Nasdaq Composite — the max bull case versus the max bear case Sunday 18 December 2022
The WTI minus Brent Spread — back into mid-range Thursday 15 December 2022
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — big problems for the bulls Wednesday 14 December 2022
HH Natgas — levels of pivotal resistance Tuesday 13 December 2022