Chart of the Day
Banking and Financial Sectors — downside update Thursday 04 May 2023
With 2.8943 the RBOB Seasonal Peak — exploring the downside risk Wednesday 03 May 2023
Energy Futures – a brief history of recession losses, with updates Tuesday 02 May 2023
From #2Oil to ULSD — the complete history of burst bubbles Monday 01 May 2023
ABA Community Bank Index — a rebound or else point Friday 28 April 2023
HH Natgas 36 Month Strip — Elliott Wave and Key Pivots Thursday 27 April 2023
RBOB – the 1st minus 2nd mo spread and the Sep minus Oct Spread Wednesday 26 April 2023
Good, Bad, and Ugly — the three types of bank loans — 25 Apr 2023 Tuesday 25 April 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — seasonal peaking risk update Monday 24 April 2023
Petro Complex — another terrible week for the bulls Friday 21 April 2023
WTI 1st minus 2nd mo spread — updating an accurate recession indicator Thursday 20 April 2023
RBOB — Is 2.8943 the pre-season rally peak? Wednesday 19 April 2023
The ULSD Spreads — contango beckons Tuesday 18 April 2023
Gasoline Bearish Rising Wedge for the Pre-Season Rally — History and implications Monday 17 April 2023
Natgas — yet another ‘Natgas is Dirt Cheap’ signal Saturday 15 April 2023
Two Key RBOB Spreads — two major spike tops Thursday 13 April 2023
MTB Propane — pivotal resistance revisited Wednesday 12 April 2023
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — seasonal peak candidates Tuesday 11 April 2023
ULSD to Crude Oil Crack — at a critical juncture Monday 10 April 2023
DX Index ( US$ ) — pivotal bull case support revisited Friday 07 April 2023
RBOB minus Brent Crack — updating the key pivots Wednesday 05 April 2023
Ethanol — pivotal resistance Tuesday 04 April 2023
More OPEC+ Shenanigans — implications for Brent and WTI Monday 03 April 2023
RBOB seasonal cycle update — Is an average pre-season rally possible? Friday 31 March 2023
The Petroleum – Natgas Sector — the final four sources of selling pressure Thursday 30 March 2023
RBOB minus Ethanol — candidates for resistance Wednesday 29 March 2023
RBOB Upside Update — flat price and the key bull spreads Tuesday 28 March 2023
Brent Crude — placing Monday’s rally in perspective Tuesday 28 March 2023
WTI 2nd minus 14th mo spread — what the bulls need Friday 24 March 2023
Equities divided by Commodities — a rare retreat Friday 24 March 2023
Bean Oil — downside update Wednesday 22 March 2023
HH Natgas — bottoming mode update Tuesday 21 March 2023
30 Year Treasury Bond — let’s ask the long bond about the outlook for interest rates Monday 20 March 2023
The TTF minus HH Natgas Spread — an LNG carrier wheel of fortune Friday 17 March 2023
CME ULSD and ICE GasOil — at a ‘rebound or dump’ point Thursday 16 March 2023
Brent and WTI — just cracked like an egg Wednesday 15 March 2023
Financial Sector Update ( XLF ) — an unfolding, textbook perfect disaster Tuesday 14 March 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — the peaking risk Tuesday 14 March 2023
Nasdaq Composite — the bear case is alive and well Friday 10 March 2023
DX Index ( US$ ) — bull case near term support candidates Thursday 09 March 2023
the GasOil minus Brent Crack — downside update Wednesday 08 March 2023
COTD – ULSD and Gasoil – Headwind Or Tailwind For The Petro Complex?? Tuesday 07 March 2023
WTI divided by Natgas — a bull case for natgas Monday 06 March 2023
The ULSD to Brent Crack and the RBOB to Brent Crack — are two trend reversals on tap? Saturday 04 March 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — pivotal near term resistance Thursday 02 March 2023
0.5% Fuel Oil Updates — flat price and versus both Brent and ULSD Wednesday 01 March 2023
NYH ULSD April minus May spread — room for a rebound Tuesday 28 February 2023
The Euro-fx in US Dollars — the key, big picture pivots from here Monday 27 February 2023
UK FTSE 100 Index — evidence for a major top in place Saturday 25 February 2023
Natgas 12 month strip — a burst bubble in bottoming mode Thursday 23 February 2023