Chart of the Day
Brent — candidate target for the bull case Friday 06 May 2022
HH Natgas and Dutch TTF — what is the most bullish case? Thursday 05 May 2022
RBOB — upside update Wednesday 04 May 2022
HH Natgas — outlook update Wednesday 04 May 2022
Melt Down in the Metals — recession signals Tuesday 03 May 2022
ULSD — pivotal near term support and resistance Monday 02 May 2022
The ULSD to Brent Crack — broken and unhinged Thursday 28 April 2022
A Bear Market in Equities: what does it look like? Thursday 28 April 2022
ULSD and the 1st minus 2nd mo spread — top tick candidates Tuesday 26 April 2022
China’s Shanghai Index — downside update Tuesday 26 April 2022
ULSD Price Charts — designed to spur EV truck buying? Friday 22 April 2022
HH Natgas — candidates for support Thursday 21 April 2022
The DX Index — refreshing the significance of the 101.00 level Wednesday 20 April 2022
Petroleum Complex and Natgas — candidates for bull case support Tuesday 19 April 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — searching for support Monday 18 April 2022
Natgas 12 month strip — upside targets refresh Thursday 14 April 2022
ULSD and GasOil — the Elliott Wave case for new highs in distillate Wednesday 13 April 2022
Brent and WTI — the Elliott Wave case for new highs Tuesday 12 April 2022
The Baltic Dry Index — Where is key support? Monday 11 April 2022
API 2 Coal — candidates for bull case support Sunday 10 April 2022
The 1st minus 2nd month spreads — for RBOB and ULSD — where is key support? Thursday 07 April 2022
Brent and WTI — Can crude oil flip to contango? Wednesday 06 April 2022
The 5 – 3 – 2 Brent Crack — the bear case for a historic peak Tuesday 05 April 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — tracking triangles and ratio retracements Monday 04 April 2022
HH Natgas and US LNG Exports — what everyone has over-looked Sunday 03 April 2022
Nature Abhors an Obstruction — post blockage accelerated change Thursday 31 March 2022
Bean Oil — bear case downside risk Wednesday 30 March 2022
Natgas 12 mo Strip — candidates for near term resistance Tuesday 29 March 2022
Petroleum Prices — the ratio retracements of geopolitics Monday 28 March 2022
HH Natgas — might Natgas be about to peak? Friday 25 March 2022
Brent 1st minus 2nd month spread — this cannot possibly be a coincidence Thursday 24 March 2022
Dow 30 and S&P 500 — refresh of the key near term pivots Wednesday 23 March 2022
The ULSD to Brent Crack — Is a historic peak in place? Tuesday 22 March 2022
RBOB minus ULSD – 3 candidates for support from here Monday 21 March 2022
Petroleum Futures – updating near term pivotal support and resistance Friday 18 March 2022
Ethanol — the case for a trading range Thursday 17 March 2022
Petroleum Futures – updated candidates for a near term low Wednesday 16 March 2022
MTB Propane — the downside risk is significant Tuesday 15 March 2022
The RBOB minus Brent Crack — peaking risk and recession risk Monday 14 March 2022
Dow 30 — dramatic dump due Sunday 13 March 2022
COTD – RBOB & ULSD – A Big Picture Refresh Thursday 10 March 2022
COTD – Brent Crude Oil – What Comes Next ??? Wednesday 09 March 2022
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — How cheap is too cheap? Tuesday 08 March 2022
Corn, Soybeans, Wheat — the threat of a human fuel shortage ( food ) Monday 07 March 2022
DAX — Most bullish case is voided. What next? Friday 04 March 2022
NBP, TTF, and HH Natgas — bull case refresh Thursday 03 March 2022
Petro Complex Candidates for a Bubble Peak Wednesday 02 March 2022
The WTI minus Brent Spread — bearish or merely volatile? Tuesday 01 March 2022
Ruble per US Dollar — history and update Monday 28 February 2022
Did the Brent price just peak? Saturday 26 February 2022